About Us


Our Story

Since its inception, EP BUILD has been recognized with a Proclamation by the City of El Paso, Texas and with a Resolution by the County of El Paso,Texas for the work that is being done in addressing employment and access disparities, providing education and increasing disability awareness, including the support of employers in understanding not only the rights of people with disabilities but their rights as employers as well. Finally, promoting equal access in our community. El Paso Businesses for Inclusion, Leadership, and Diversity (EP BUILD) is an advocate for change.

We work to shift the way our society views people with disabilities-that we see their uniqueness, humanity, and individual contribution to our society, regardless of the package they come in.

At EP BUILD, we believe in “people first.” The ability of people to contribute, instead of assuming one cannot meet or do something only because they have a disability.

EP BUILD works with businesses in our region to hire people with disabilities and to accommodate their current employees who have needs.

Our “People First” trainings educates others to think of inclusion before exclusion, with each training tailored to the needs of the organization we present. Our trainings are currently offered via Zoom or MS Teams.

Please join us to help our world see people first and to celebrate their humanity!


What We Do



The Mission of BUILD is to serve employers/businesses and people with disabilities to create a community that is the model of inclusion and diversity; working closely with community agencies that serve and work toward the inclusion of people with disabilities. The primary goal for BUILD is to establish a permanent governance structure in the City of El Paso (and surrounding communities) that drives awareness and attention to issues of full access and attitudinal acceptance for all persons, with and without disabilities.



To provide expertise and guidance to the City of El Paso and surrounding communities regarding Disability Awareness issues that promote Inclusion and Diversity in the community, and to serve as a facilitator for employment opportunities and/or the environmental workplace accommodation of people with disabilities.

Our Vision

EP BUILD will bring added value to the City of El Paso, TX and surrounding communities, by supplementing or providing Disability Awareness and Inclusion / Sensitivity training to local businesses. In turn, local businesses/employers will find value in acquiring talent from a labor-capable, yet vastly under-utilized population of job candidates with disabilities that are ready, able and willing to work.

EP BUILD Executive Board

“Just because a man lacks the use of his eyes doesn’t mean he lacks vision.”

- Stevie Wonder






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All donations are tax-deductable

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